In this age where digital files and cloud storage are all the rage, CDs are becoming old-fashioned for some. Many now prefer to send files over the Internet using cloud storage or via portable flash drives. Yet, the compact disc still manages to stay alive, thanks to its usefulness in several industries.

The music industry still relies heavily on CDs while computer and software businesses still regard it as a valuable tool for distributing information. These are only some of the main uses of the discs today. Now, before throwing out your collection of olds or blanks, here’s how a few ideas on how you can better use them.

Promotional Materials

If you own a small business, you can give out the discs as promotional items. Say you’re opening a computer repair shop, you can print the invitations on the CD surface and the cover. You can even burn the details of some special promos and discounts into the disc. Be sure to use double foam tapes to secure it in place, though.

Audio Books

If you’re more of the artsy type, you can use the CDs for personalized audio books or music collection. This could be a perfect gift to your music-loving friends. You can make a small booklet of the lyrics to the songs he love, and burn the songs onto the disc. Decorate the booklet as you like, and insert the disc at the back using CD hubs.

To make a personalized audio book that your friend or loved one will cherish, record the songs or stories yourself. If you have a baby, you can record lullabies or bedtime stories with your voice and use it to lull them to sleep. Or you can keep it as a remembrance for them to listen to when they get old, or give as a gift when they have their own kids.

Greeting Cards

Who doesn’t remember the musical greeting cards we used to receive for the holidays? Well, you can take it up a notch and make your own. Instead of the usual family photograph for the Christmas cards, you can send a CD of your family singing carols. Print out or buy your cards, get some CD hubs and use these to insert the discs. This will make for a better, more personal Holiday greetings. 

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